I attended Fincon (Financial Bloggers Conference) again this year. What is Fincon? Fincon is the Financial Bloggers Conference and it’s “Where Money & Media Meet”. This is my 2nd year attending and I enjoyed the opportunity to learn more to expand my business, engage in opportunities to collaborate with others, and meet your social media friends in person.
In honor of Life Insurance Awareness month I wanted to bring you additional options for covering funeral costs outside of Life Insurance.
So just to be clear I believe that life insurance is important to help cover funeral cost (if the funds will not be accessible when you pass but it is also important to have so your family’s (children, spouse or anyone you financially support) will be able to keep the same quality of life after you pass away.
I have had people tell me that they will always be in debt so they are going to keep making monthly payments forever.
Well, that is not true, there are plenty of stories showing people who have paid off large amounts of debt.
I created a YouTube playlist of motivational debt free stories, click here to check it out.
I mention in a previous post that I budget by paycheck. I started doing this around 2005, after creating a monthly budget for a while and not feeling like I had a good handle on it (because I was busting my budget).
Lately, I have been asked a lot about how to increase credit score to get a mortgage. Last week. I talked about how your credit score is calculated. This week we will focus on activities that will help raise your score. Before we get into the details I really want you to understand that your credit score report is not the same as your friend's score and report.
Grab the Financial Checkup Checklist & Action Plan.