This first post is all about employer-sponsored retirement plans. If you're self-employed or your employer doesn't offer a retirement plan. Don't worry I will cover retirement plans for those situations in the next two posts.
Automate Your Savings With Qapital
Saving Automatically With Digit
If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm big on saving money, but I have to save up front and automatically. I can't save at the end because my reality is that I will spend what is available to me (which is why I have a budget).
Save your loose change? 20 ways to make it work for you!
Every year, in December, I cash in all the loose change I saved for the year, at the Coinstar Machine and it is usually between $60 - $100. I probably would have more if I would completely commit to saving my change (if it is still in my wallet I may use it on purchases). I will challenge myself to save all of my loose change for the month in January and see what happens.
Save Your Sanity With A Starter Savings While Paying Off Debt
In the beginning the motivation to pay off your debt is high and you are excite to achieve financial freedom but there are a few reasons that you may loose your enthusiasm. One could be the time period it takes for you to reach your goal or it could be frustration from unexpected expenses that throw you off of your plan during the payoff process. We are going to talk about the latter.