
3 Tips To Help You Set Your 2017 Goals

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It’s the beginning of the year and everyone is setting new resolutions and goals.  If you have not set your goals for the year yet, don’t worry you still have time.  The great thing is that you don’t have to set your goals for the year, you can set quarterly or monthly goals.  You can also take a large goal and break it down into smaller quarterly (or monthly) goals.  Here are a few goal setting tips so you can make 2017 GREAT!!!

Write them down. The first thing you need to do is write down your goals. Make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. so you stay motivated and are clear on what you need to do to reach your goals.  To be  S.M.A.R.T., your goals have to be:

  • Specific.  Your goal must state exactly what you want to achieve.


Simple Goal:  Pay off debt

SMART Goal:  I will pay off my visa credit card by the end of the year by paying an extra $200 each month..

  • Measurable.  Your goal must be measurable so that you know you have achieved your goal.


        Simple Goal:  I want to lose weight

        SMART Goal: I want to lose 20 pounds this year by working out 3 times a week and by eating healthier.

  • Attainable (Actionable).  Your goal must push you out of your comfort zone but still be attainable and have action verbs attached to it.


        Simple Goal:  I will blog more

        SMART Goal: I will consistently blog once a week.  

  • Realistic.  Is your goal and time frame realistic for the goal you have established?


        Simple Goal:  I want to stop drinking soda.

        SMART Goal:  I will reduce my soda intake by 1 soda gradually each week.

  • Time-Sensitive. Your goals should be linked to a deadline.  When do you plan on achieving your goal?


        Simple Goal:  I want to write a book.

        SMART Goal:  I will write a book about Financial Independence by June 30.


Grab Your Goal Setting Worksheet Now!



Place your goals where you can read them everyday.  This is especially important for the days where you don’t think it’s going to happen, seeing your goals will give you the motivation you need to keep going.

Review your goals on a consistent basis.  You can choose the frequency but I feel monthly is best if you have a quarterly or yearly goal and weekly if you have a monthly goal.  Reviewing your goals will help you see your progress and will show you what adjustments you need to make.

Setting goals is important and according to Psychologist, goal setting can make you a happier person.  Goals that are clearly defined, with a way to evaluate how close you are to achieving them along with your full involvement creates a happier life.


Grab Your Goal Setting Worksheet Now!

What are some of your 2017 goals?