
Manage Cashflow

Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

Are you a saver or a spender?

Have you ever thought about which money personality you have?

I know some people have mentioned it is genetic, which may be possible but I always felt it was interesting that two people can grow up in the same household with the same parents and one be a spender and the other a saver. 

But when you think about it opposites attract so I’m sure one parent was a spender and the other was a saver.

4 Reasons Why You Need A Financial Check-up

4 Reasons Why You Need A Financial Check-up

You typically go to the doctor's office at least once a year for a physical and the dentist every six months for a dental check-up but how often do you check on your money.  It’s just as important as your health.

If you think about it, money affects every area of your life, for example,  transportation whether you ride public transportation, take an uber or drive your own car, you pay in some way for all of these options, (unless you’re walking).